Assembly Lines

Rail Systems for Flow Production

The individually tailored floor rail systems from LOSYCO provide you with the opportunity for highly efficient transport of heavy loads within your facilities. When it comes to moving machine tools, construction machinery, agricultural machinery, wind turbines, large switchgear, printing machines, modular units, and similar loads safely and without impeding other processes in your company, the rail system LOXrail® is the solution of choice. Particularly in industries that predominantly manufacture in stationary assembly, investing in a floor rail system to transition to flow production pays off immediately.

Discover more about the advantages and flexibility of this globally proven rail system now!

Scalable systems from manual to automated

Customized layouts can be realized

Accessible areas remain intact

Optimizing Manufacturing Flow at the Assembly Line

With the LOXrail® round rail system, ton-heavy components, industrial goods, or machinery can be set in motion smoothly. Even with small and medium batch sizes, you achieve significant efficiency gains. You will reduce costs, shorten lead times, increase throughput, and achieve improved process and material planning. At the same time, our floor rail system makes the transition from stationary assembly to flow production easier and more cost-effective than with conventional conveyor systems.

Customized Rail Layout for Short Transport Routes

The flexible rail layout of the LOXrail® round rail system can be fully adapted to the specific manufacturing flow in your company. This includes switches, intersections, or special steering platforms and components for curved travel. With minimal effort, we integrate the system into the existing topography of your facility, creating a flush transport solution without tripping hazards that can be easily traversed by forklifts and material handling equipment. The highly flexible design and low rolling resistance enable easy manual starting as well as providing the ideal platform for our highly energy-efficient drives with very low power consumption.

Automated Drive Systems for Your Transport Carts

With our flush-mounted line conveyors, we can realize automatically timed assembly lines as desired. The drive concept consists of a traction system over the entire length or optionally shorter sections of the assembly line and a drive unit installed at the end of each line.

All specifications of your drive system will be precisely aligned with your individual requirements. We adjust the stroke length to the cycle length and precisely match the traction loads to the line weight. The possible travel speeds range from continuous transport to cycle operation. Furthermore, we consider the number of existing or planned assembly stations. Depending on safety requirements, the assembly system can be equipped with optional devices such as light grids or displays to increase occupational safety.

The epitome of efficient intralogistics: LOXrail®

The LOXrail® round rail system forms the basis for our innovative intralogistics solutions for medium and heavy loads. The round rails, which are virtually flush with the floor, can be installed in a wide variety of layouts and offer a particularly safe way of transporting heavy loads while avoiding unnecessary obstacles in your production areas.

Our customised transport trolleys for the LOXrail® system can be designed precisely according to your requirements and can be equipped with drives of any desired degree of automation.

Contact Us!

Are you looking for a reliable solution for assembling, feeding, and transporting heavy loads on an industrial scale? Or do you need the planning expertise of a proven expert team to tackle a conceptual challenge in intralogistics? Contact us!


Die Lösung zur zeitgleichen Bewegung aller Rollwagen in einer Montagelinie. Der Linienförderer besteht aus einer Antriebseinheit und einem verketteten Zugsystem, das bündig im Hallenboden eingelassen wird. An den einzelnen Arbeitsstationen werden Bedienstellen installiert, die den Status des Arbeitsplatzes an die Steuerung weitergeben.


Wir konstruieren und fertigen Ihre individuellen Rollwagen und Transportplattformen mit verschiedenen Fahrwerk-Konzepten. Neben standardisierten, einfachen Rollwagen entwickeln wir dabei auch gern eine kundenspezifische Lösung, maßgeschneidert für Ihre Anforderungen und Ihr bevorzugtes LOSYCO-Schienensystem. Während bereits die Standardvariante mit ergonomischer Fußbedienung sowie Hebe- und Senkfunktion ausgestattet ist, haben Sie darüber hinaus die Wahl zwischen manueller Verfahrbarkeit oder integriertem Antriebssystem und können gern auch die Kopplung zweier Rollwagen von uns realisieren lassen. So werden schwere Lasten mühelos – und vor allem individuell – bewegt.


Unser LOXrail Schienensystem in den Größen 25 und 40 ist die Lösung für Ihre Anwendung im Bereich Schwerlasttransport in Ihrem Unternehmen. Der flurebene Einbau stellt keine Störkonturen da und ermöglicht die problemlose Überfahrbarkeit mit Flurförderfahrzeugen. Die Leichtläufigkeit, hohe Verschleißfestigkeit und Flexibilität des Schienensystems garantiert einen reibungslosen Ablauf in Ihrer Produktion. Von bis zu 10t manuell oder 60t angetrieben bewegen sich Ihre Lasten leicht auf unserer Schiene, ob geradeaus, Kreuzungsbereiche oder um die Kurve.

Zwei lange, metallische Aluminiumprofile mit runden Querschnitten und gerippten Oberflächen, in paralleler Anordnung vor grünem Hintergrund.

Querförderer / Shuttle System

Für das Umsetzen von Rollwagen oder Transportplattformen, auf eine parallele Schienenstrecke, ist unser Querumsetzer eine Lösung, Ihre Produktionslinien auch in mehreren Hallenbereichen umzusetzen. Ob ein Transportsystem in „U-Form“ oder das Ausschleusen von Gewerken aus einer Linie, wir haben die passenden Optionen für Sie.

Gelbes Schienenfahrzeug mit Metallrahmen und Rollen, beschriftet mit "Losyco", auf schwarzem Hintergrund.


Der Mover unterstützt beim Bewegen von schweren Lasten und wird an unsere Rollwagen angekoppelt.

Das System ist eine sinnvolle Alternative zur motorischen Unterstützung beim Bewegen von schweren Lasten, ohne jeden einzelnen Wagen mit einem Antrieb ausstatten zu müssen.

Markus Schmidt


Line conveyor

Your solution for the simultaneous movement of all trolleys in an assembly line: This conveyor system consists of a drive unit and an interconnected towing system, which is flush mounted into the factory floor. Operation stations are installed at individual workstations to transmit the workstation status to the control system automatically.


We design and manufacture your customised trolleys and transport platforms with various chassis concepts. We develop and manufacture customized trolleys and transport platforms with various chassis concepts. Whether standardized, simple trolleys or custom-designed models – our transport trolleys are always tailored to your specific application and the corresponding rail system. Whether manually operated or motorized, with this technology, heavy loads are moved with ease.

LOXrail® System

Our LOXrail rail system in sizes 25 and 40 is the solution for your heavy-duty transportation application in your company. The flush installation means that there are no interfering contours and makes it easy to drive over with industrial trucks. The smooth running, high wear resistance and flexibility of the rail system guarantee a smooth process in your production. From up to 10 tons manually or 60 tons powered, your loads move easily on our rails, whether straight ahead, at intersections or around bends.

Cross conveyor / Shuttle System

For transferring trolleys or transport platforms onto a parallel rail track, our cross conveyor is the ideal solution. These custom-designed and manufactured transfer systems enable the implementation of a production line across multiple areas within your facilities. Whether for a U-shaped transport system or for diverting workpieces from a line, our portfolio offers you the best options.

Electro Mover

The mover supports the movement of heavy loads and is coupled to our trolleys.

The system is a sensible alternative to motorized support when moving heavy loads without having to equip each individual trolley with a drive.

Markus Schmidt

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