Transport Systems

Transport Systems for Customized Intralogistics

While our floor rail system LOXrail® is known for its exceptional flexibility to begin with, our transport carts complete the astonishing variability. In addition to our standard roll carts and the carts in our EcoLine series, we also offer the custom manufacturing of carts bespoke to the objects that are to be transported.

In addition to having us design the structures or fixtures, you can also choose from a variety of different drive solutions, from manual propulsion to fully automated transport solutions (AGV).

Individual transportation of heavy loads

Improving occupational safety

Simple integration in existing buildings

Transport Carts for Intralogistics

The load capacities of LOSYCO’s transport carts are fundamentally tailored to the respective transported goods. In combination with optional structures and component-specific fixtures, we ensure optimal ergonomics and highest work safety. This includes transport variants that can be used as mobile workstations. Here, the low construction of our carts proves to be a particular advantage, as it only minimally increases the assembly height during the handling of workpieces. Together with the all-around accessibility, which always figures in the construction of our transport carts, this feature contributes to a particularly ergonomic handling of the loaded objects. Thus, in addition to the efficiency of your transport solution, the health and work safety of employees are consistently ensured.

The epitome of efficient intralogistics: LOXrail®

The LOXrail® round rail system forms the basis for our innovative intralogistics solutions for medium and heavy loads. The round rails, which are virtually flush with the floor, can be installed in a wide variety of layouts and offer a particularly safe way of transporting heavy loads while avoiding unnecessary obstacles in your production areas.

Our customised transport trolleys for the LOXrail® system can be designed precisely according to your requirements and can be equipped with drives of any desired degree of automation.

Contact Us!

Are you looking for a reliable solution for assembling, feeding, and transporting heavy loads on an industrial scale? Or do you need the planning expertise of a proven expert team to tackle a conceptual challenge in intralogistics? Contact us!


Wir konstruieren und fertigen Ihre individuellen Rollwagen und Transportplattformen mit verschiedenen Fahrwerk-Konzepten. Ob standardisierte, einfache Rollwagen oder kundenspezifisch ausgelegte Rollwagen – unsere Transportwagen sind immer auf Ihre Anwendung und auf das entsprechende Schienensystem zugeschnitten. Ob manuell verfahrbare oder angeriebene Fahrzeuge, schwere Lasten leicht bewegt.


LOXrail® Arretierbolzen eignet sich zur Fixierung von Transportwagen in der LOXrail® Arretierbuchse. Der mit einer Flanschplatte an der Transportplattform befestigte Arretierbolzen ist mit Hand oder Fuß zu betätigen und verfügt über eine seitliche Arretierstellung.

Ein metallisches mechanisches Teil mit mehreren Zylindern und Schrauben in einem technischen Design.


Unser LOXrail Schienensystem in den Größen 25 und 40 ist die Lösung für Ihre Anwendung im Bereich Schwerlasttransport in Ihrem Unternehmen. Der flurebene Einbau stellt keine Störkonturen da und ermöglicht die problemlose Überfahrbarkeit mit Flurförderfahrzeugen. Die Leichtläufigkeit, hohe Verschleißfestigkeit und Flexibilität des Schienensystems garantiert einen reibungslosen Ablauf in Ihrer Produktion. Von bis zu 10t manuell oder 60t angetrieben bewegen sich Ihre Lasten leicht auf unserer Schiene, ob geradeaus, Kreuzungsbereiche oder um die Kurve.

Zwei lange, metallische Aluminiumprofile mit runden Querschnitten und gerippten Oberflächen, in paralleler Anordnung vor grünem Hintergrund.

Markus Schmidt



We design and manufacture your customised trolleys and transport platforms with various chassis concepts. Whether standardized, simple trolleys or customized trolleys – our transport trolleys are always tailored to your application and the corresponding rail system. Whether manually manoeuvrable or powered vehicles, heavy loads are easily moved.

Locking Mechanism

LOXrail® locking pin is suitable for fixing transport trolleys in the LOXrail® locking bushing. The locking bolt, which is attached to the transport platform with a flange plate, can be operated by hand or foot and has a lateral locking position.

LOXrail® System

Our LOXrail rail system in sizes 25 and 40 is the solution for your heavy-duty transportation application in your company. The flush installation means that there are no interfering contours and makes it easy to drive over with industrial trucks. The smooth running, high wear resistance and flexibility of the rail system guarantee a smooth process in your production. From up to 10 tons manually or 60 tons powered, your loads move easily on our rails, whether straight ahead, at intersections or around bends.

Markus Schmidt

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